i have nothing to post about so i'm going to back track and tell you about my vacation to palm beach, florida this summer! yay! my the grandparents on my mom's side live there so this summer we went to go visit them! this is their house. cute, huh? well i thought it was gonna be a drag but it was actually pretty cool.
our grandpa phillip let us go on his boat! awesome ride! and there were these cute boys in a boat going past us. ok, yes. when my mom wasn't watching i totally lifted my bikini top. she was confused why they hollered but i reverted to the wall of silence. lol. belle didn't see either but maybe as she's reading this it's all coming to together. lol.
the next day we went on this cruise ship which was AWESOME! we were on it like all day. they even let me and belle up in the front. it was so cool. but so hot! i was wearing my bathing suit under that shirt all day... and we saw a few of the guys on the boat that passed us yesterday. but only one of them recognized me. justin was his name. nice guy. great kisser. lol! yes of course i made out with him! it was sunset and he was cute and i looked hot and you know how it goes! lmao!
and the next day we went home. so sad, but i'm glad i was back at home i guess. but i wasn't the only one with a great summer, huh andrew?!?! make sure to bug him about that for me, ok? lol! summer is usually great for me and my friends. i encourage the following to post about their 2008 summer vacations!
I lost 39 lbs.
14 years ago
2 stickies:
hola!, you are very sexy.
Love that suit! HOT!
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