i'm so sick of this! i'm so pissed off at my friend, i could spit! he's been acting like such a jerk! i mean we were never really like tight like best friends, but we were friends enough! i'm so sick of him trying to drum up sympathy for himself and then being all like "leave me alone!" he needs to get his freakin' act together before i freakin' punch him in the face! all my friends probably know who i'm talking about but i'll keep it confidential for all the readers who don't know either of us. but no joke, i wanna punch him across the face and just say "get it together!!" but if i really do punch him, i'm sure you'll hear the tale-- names and all-- on Fast Times At Panamah High. a part of me just really thinks he wants attention and another part of me is seriously his friend. just come on and get your act together anonymous friend! i bet a bunch of your friends might be thinking the same thing! we know you can do it, so DO IT!
PS: you see, i always listen to Simple Plan when i'm mad and right now this certain friend is the reason for it. so he's like the drum beat. you know?
I lost 39 lbs.
14 years ago
1 stickies:
so let me get this straight...
you want to bean andrew in the head with a volleyball??
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