Wednesday, January 28, 2009

spring flowers & confessions cast

so i couldn't help but notice that now a bunch of kids at school have blogger accounts. and a bunch of them are making blogs! which is no problem to me! including my sister belle is launching her clothing line blog! hooray! anyway, it seems kinda weird that there's assorted "popular kids" within the people talked about on fast times at panamah high. because aren't the people mentioned in the blog ALL popular kids?? just saying... and i was reading confessions of a broken heart last night and i couldn't help but notice AGAIN. the sidebar of characters in the story keeps getting bigger and bigger! and he keeps adding GIRLS! how does a pretty guy-ish guy keep up with 6 girl characters??? i can't predict what guys would do! but andrew's a writer, maybe he has some worldly skill... and that thing he had up about "haunts" was CREEPY! it was like WHOA! i dunno. you'll have to read it next time it goes up because my grandma would sit up in her grave if andrew didn't put that cryptic suicide note back on the his blog.

Friday, January 23, 2009


whoa. ok, so here i am, at school this morning. normal locker
talk. but when i take a step back i see
meena's best guy friend, andrew (he sometimes hangs out with us to see meena), kelly, and nicole. i thought "wow!" why? we're what you would call the popular kids in school and andrew, kelly, and nicole are EMO! kelly has this whole has every emo album ever put out, depressing drawings, "don't forget to smile", Peyton Sawyer vibe. nicole has the whole weird up bringing, doesn't know much about her past vibe. and Andrew... well i made him take the emo quiz and he got a HIGH score! and watching him fill it out was like being on the other end of a suicide hot line! and scoping Confessions Of A Broken Heart and A Story In My Twists i was like "wow!" SIMT: emo banner, black and pink, depressing life portrayed. COABH: i can't even begin to describe! i've gotta ask meena what andrew looked like when he was younger. and none of us really knew nicole until high school. kelly doesn't have a blog, but the inside of her room is proof enough! i dunno why so many of my friends are so dark. i didn't really know andrew until high school when meena introduced me to him. meena has banned me from seducing him though. no worries, andrew!

Monday, January 19, 2009

ladies and gentlefriends!

hey babies!

so if you go to my school you prolly already know me. but if not...
i'm cassandra. i have 1 sister named belle and the coolest friends (gotta love 'em!)
this is basically a blog for my thoughts. and if you don't wanna hear what a got to say stop reading
with that outta the way. i just wanna say...
to all my lady friends out there! even when i'm mean to you because you always seem to find great guys and i'm a one night girlie, i still love you! Y
now what was i saying...
me and my girlies are having an i never party on friday. and i don't mean the lame ass card game. i mean
the real deal
boom! i'll tell you how it goes. or maybe keep it confidential.
like so many things it depends on my MOOD
yeah my mood! you heard me!
and then of course there's the HUGE party.
in which i will find a man, man! or not...

the princess ducky herself (that's ME)