whoa. ok, so here i am, at school this morning. normal locker
talk. but when i take a step back i see
meena's best guy friend, andrew (he sometimes hangs out with us to see meena), kelly, and nicole. i thought "wow!" why? we're what you would call the popular kids in school and andrew, kelly, and nicole are EMO! kelly has this whole has every emo album ever put out, depressing drawings, "don't forget to smile", Peyton Sawyer vibe. nicole has the whole weird up bringing, doesn't know much about her past vibe. and Andrew... well i made him take the emo quiz and he got a HIGH score! and watching him fill it out was like being on the other end of a suicide hot line! and scoping Confessions Of A Broken Heart and A Story In My Twists i was like "wow!" SIMT: emo banner, black and pink, depressing life portrayed. COABH: i can't even begin to describe! i've gotta ask meena what andrew looked like when he was younger. and none of us really knew nicole until high school. kelly doesn't have a blog, but the inside of her room is proof enough! i dunno why so many of my friends are so dark. i didn't really know andrew until high school when meena introduced me to him. meena has banned me from seducing him though. no worries, andrew!
I lost 39 lbs.
14 years ago
2 stickies:
lol i love your montage of the emo kids! they're so cute! hahaha!
i love ur baby bump, too, btw... -_-
I love emo's.
I made a blog making fun of them at http://cadeandericsemopoems.blogspot.com
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