cassandra gotta party. yes, there's a party this weekend and you can count me in! as the title may suggest, i am the resident part girl. it should be a good one. beach houses are always the best and this one is at a beach house. PLUS it's a kingsley party. the kingsley's are like mucho rich and they have a party boy son. score! so yes, i will be going to an insanely fabulous party this weekend. hence forth the good mood! anyway, i also made another fabulous progression. i'm 100% over my edward cullen fantasy. i couldn't read the books because i thought they sucked so hard, but i used to think that rob pattinson was mucho hot. now he just really annoys me. he was seriously on that 100 hottest stars thing? HA! i can think of 100 people way hotter than him! so now i am totally over edward cullen and rob pattinson. suck it, bicthes! also i must add a few more things. why is there a picture of a pikachu? because pikachu is one of the cutest things ever to grace this earth, that's why! seriously, i never understood pokemon, but this baby's a looker. and the last thing. why do i keep saying mucho? because it's in homage to my lover friend, christine! actually, she's my cousin, but she's awesome. i want her in my possi, but there's some unwritten code for cliquing in panamah and one the them is that you have to stay in your grade. and she's a sophomore and i'm a junior. well, well. unwritten is just like imaginary if you ask me. we'll just see what we can do. *wink*
I lost 39 lbs.
14 years ago
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