funny how life seems to sneak up on you sometimes. everything seems to fly by so fast it's hard to even catch a breathe. lately i've been thinking that i grew up way too fast. i was so eager to act like the college town party girl, i missed out on all the opportunities i had to act my age. years went by when i was pretending to be 21. being the party girl has made so many good memories for me but at the same time i feel like it completely wasted by childhood. well, i started acting this way around 13. yeah, messed up, i know. of course, i went to my first part at 14 and lost my virginity at 16. like so many things, my life has become so bittersweet. knowing you can't turn back the hands of time and recapture things you missed out on -- bitter. having courage and self-esteem to go with a spirit that's hard to break -- sweet. the life of cassandra turner has been a ride worth taking. i have amazing friends and i can finally look in the mirror and see someone who i'm proud to be. i know that i missed chances and paths to take, but regret is the only friend that will ever make you feel alone. so while i'm disappointed in myself for growing up way too soon, i'm also proud of who i am today. while there will always be things in your past who wish had gone according to plan, i've found that there's one rule that she be left unbroken. don't look back.
Friday, June 19, 2009
ready or not: a moment of reflection
Fabulously yours, Cassandra 1 stickies
Monday, May 18, 2009
fish gotta swim, bird gotta fly
cassandra gotta party. yes, there's a party this weekend and you can count me in! as the title may suggest, i am the resident part girl. it should be a good one. beach houses are always the best and this one is at a beach house. PLUS it's a kingsley party. the kingsley's are like mucho rich and they have a party boy son. score! so yes, i will be going to an insanely fabulous party this weekend. hence forth the good mood! anyway, i also made another fabulous progression. i'm 100% over my edward cullen fantasy. i couldn't read the books because i thought they sucked so hard, but i used to think that rob pattinson was mucho hot. now he just really annoys me. he was seriously on that 100 hottest stars thing? HA! i can think of 100 people way hotter than him! so now i am totally over edward cullen and rob pattinson. suck it, bicthes! also i must add a few more things. why is there a picture of a pikachu? because pikachu is one of the cutest things ever to grace this earth, that's why! seriously, i never understood pokemon, but this baby's a looker. and the last thing. why do i keep saying mucho? because it's in homage to my lover friend, christine! actually, she's my cousin, but she's awesome. i want her in my possi, but there's some unwritten code for cliquing in panamah and one the them is that you have to stay in your grade. and she's a sophomore and i'm a junior. well, well. unwritten is just like imaginary if you ask me. we'll just see what we can do. *wink*
Fabulously yours, Cassandra 0 stickies
Monday, May 4, 2009
boys will be boys, girls will be girls
so lately i've been trying to help my baby sister belle with her guy troubles. she's so cute and charming and she doesn't even realize it. she's kinda head over heels for one of her models so i've been trying to help her charm him without making it way too obvious. yes, i will admit, i'm not big on commitment when it comes to guys but i'm always happy to help my chickas commit to guys if they want. i won't say belle's crushes name, but they're pretty good friends (not like meerew freaky good friends) so opportunity is all around her. i wanted to set them up on the date and then she could just say that her sister is crazy and thinks they make a cute couple. which is totally true! and he's a nice guy, i think he'd be good even if he wasn't sure he wanted to go. so yeah, i have your weekend planned, belle. meena has her guy choice really really clear, nicole thinks the male race is retarded, kelly loves music more than she will ever love any guy, emily's too new for me to know what type she likes and ophelia is more into her studies than her guys. so belle is code red priority 1! i think a lot of people under appreciate their sibs so i've gotta be super sweet to belle. meena has her bro jensen. kelly has her sis brianna. emily has her bro chris. and ophelia has her bro nick. andrew has amy and alaina. colton has lydia. their are a lot of famous panama sibs come to think of it. but the solos (meena and jensen) and the kebraras (andrew, amy, alaina) are the most famous. i want YOU to get up right now and give your sib a hug! GO!
Fabulously yours, Cassandra 0 stickies
Friday, March 27, 2009
starving for drama!! x]
panamah has been really boring and anti-climatic lately! for being a school dramatic enough for gossip queens to start a blog updating the web on all the crazy things going on, where's the drama folks? the little black notebook always say "drama; they can say they hate it but they create it" so i guess we listened and maybe just to spite sunday and helen we stopped being drama whores! but i'm still a drama whore. i want drama! anyway, i was thinking about changing the layout of the blog. i've had it for soooo long... it's so boring! so expect a new layout and maybe a mixpod. yeah, i love those things and all my friends are making me jealous because they have them. i'll have to post something very soon when i actually have something to say. pssh. and i promise there will be no more hot american idol contestants sucking face! unless there were pictures of kris allen and megan joy making out. sorry, but they're always standing next to each other and they make a pretty obnoxiously sweet couple lol. try to post soon and you should be seeing a new layout and a mixpod very soon! byeeee!
Fabulously yours, Cassandra 0 stickies