panamah has been really boring and anti-climatic lately! for being a school dramatic enough for gossip queens to start a blog updating the web on all the crazy things going on, where's the drama folks? the little black notebook always say "drama; they can say they hate it but they create it" so i guess we listened and maybe just to spite sunday and helen we stopped being drama whores! but i'm still a drama whore. i want drama! anyway, i was thinking about changing the layout of the blog. i've had it for soooo long... it's so boring! so expect a new layout and maybe a mixpod. yeah, i love those things and all my friends are making me jealous because they have them. i'll have to post something very soon when i actually have something to say. pssh. and i promise there will be no more hot american idol contestants sucking face! unless there were pictures of kris allen and megan joy making out. sorry, but they're always standing next to each other and they make a pretty obnoxiously sweet couple lol. try to post soon and you should be seeing a new layout and a mixpod very soon! byeeee!
I lost 39 lbs.
14 years ago